Wednesday 19 July 2017

A million Faces

I know them for long, yet I don't know them at all, 
I know they won't pick me up when I fall.
Surrounded with people but I feel so alone, 
Clusters of stars are in the sky yet the darkness is suddenly so grown.
A lot of them come,  A lot of them go,
You don't really know who's a friend and who's a foe.
I see a million faces,whom should I trust? 
They don't know each lie tears my heart with a thrust.
I roam on the streets searching for something new,
To find answers to questions I already knew.
Here I am, all broken and scared, 
I wonder if all this time anyone cared.
This poem is pretty much about  how I used to feel about people around me. There was a time when I was totally damaged and I was in no position to trust anybody. Fake feelings and love was all I was getting. Now, I have a very less amount of friends,but that's fine at least they really do love me. 
Please drop down your opinions in the comments below. You can also share with me if you have had any similar trust issues...I'd love to talk to youKeep smiling :) -  h xx

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